Friday, June 24, 2011

The View.... Adam Lambert No!

I am on the fence about the whole Adam Lambert thing. I mean, yes, it is obvious there is a double standard going on, one cannot argue that. In rewatching his performance however, it also was just not that great. The sexual moves might have gone down better if they are not so obviously there simply to shock. Hard to get too up in arms at people being upset when that was clearly the intention.

I question some of Lamberts decisions of late. It seems he has been all over the place in his responses to the issue, from blaming, to apologizing. Neither I think he really needs to do.

So why on earth is Lambert going on 'The View'. Firstly it is an ABC show, but secondly because the women on the view are not really supportive, IMO of gay issues. Portia de Rossi spoke beautifully about gay marriage this past week, but I don't find the women true supporters of gay rights, even with their massive gay following.

Whoopi of course is, and has participated in events to support gay marriage.

Joy, who on the surface appears supportive, uses the issue, like many others just to make a joke. So much so that there are times when she almost seems demeaning to gays. I don't for a second think this intentional, but at the same time her need to 'go for the laugh' often takes priority over an issue.

Elizabeth attempts to look understanding, and I actually think she tries to. Yet, it is clear her views are firmly cemented.

Sherri is certainly the worst. Although she can be funny, when gay issues arise, she can barely hide the disdain in her face when gay issues are discussed. She is condescending and openly judgemental quoting her bible to back her up. She seems to get away with it by reminding us of how many gay friends she has.

Adam would have been better off skipping his pre-taped appearance on The View.


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